This is a relevant piece written by Shri A K Mehta, a thinking citizen from Delhi. He has kindly allowed me to put this on my blog.
Many countries have National Police. In France it is called ‘Gendarmerie Nationale’. I am articulating my viewpoint by breaking the discussion into six parts:
A) Present Scenario: - Terror attack in Mumbai has again started debate on National security, blame game, Political parties trying to score over one another, Visit by USA Secretary Etc etc. Three heads have already rolled to do some face saving. But do the Politicians have the will or the foresight to take long term and deep rooted decisions to have a permanent solution. Besides terrorism today the Nation is facing problems of organised crime, smuggling, menace of counterfeit currency, naxal/maoist threat, ulfa, money laundering, politician-Police-criminal nexus, inter state gangsters, hawala, drug trafficking, kidnapping for ransom, dacoits, murders, rapist and so on. Is it a normal law and order subject? According to me No, I shall call it National crimes or internal aggression. Most of these crimes have either links to other states/countries or in some cases even tacit support from other countries. Person behind these crimes are enemy of the nation and not a particular state. To me situation looks grim, with country, may be, heading towards disintegration. There is need of serious thinking by at least heads of two main Political parties. Instead it seems we will end up by creating another security Agency, the Federal one, to add to the existing confusion.
B) Law & Order: - In our country it is called a state subject. But will the Politicians wake up and try to search definition of Law & Order. To me it means small crime like theft etc., traffic management, policing like PCR’s, VIP movement/security, different verifications like passports, licensing etc. The crimes mentioned in Para A are threat to national security and must be classified as national crimes. They are almost a war on the Nation and need an organisation similar to Army to fight it. Controlling these crimes require links. Intelligence, investigation, arrests, raids etc. all over India and state police are not equipped for this. Gone are the days when war use to be fought on borders. In a country like ours, which was once divided into 550 states and largely inhabited by persons with divisive tendencies with no national character probably due to centuries of foreign rule, it was wrong to make complete Law & Order a state subject. There is urgent need to draw a line.
C) Security Agencies and Their Morale: - We have a jungle of security agencies. Every state has its own Police, its own ATS, crime branch, intelligence wing, commandos etc etc. Then we have CBI, IB, CRPF, NSG, SPG, RAF and more on centre level. All working like water tight compartments and in their own direction. There have been allegations of Politicians using these agencies to their advantage. In state Police recruitments are done at four levels (i) Constable (ii) Sub Inspector (iii) DSP- through state service cadre and (iv) SP- through centre IPS cadre. Except the last the other three cadres hardly get one or two promotions in about 36 years of their total service. As a result every body is after immediate gains/ lucrative postings, which in many case leads can lead to political-police-criminal nexus. They are dependent on politicians for their postings. May be if the Local MLA is annoyed a person can be transferred. In nutshell morale is down and policing is hardly in the mind
Coming to intelligence India has about 16 intelligence agencies dealing with security and 3 dealing with economic intelligence. Besides every state Police has its own intelligence wings. All gathering information, but who is there to interpret it for national security. A normal management saying is that information and statistics unless analyzed and shared is of no use. Similarly for our borders we have Border security Force, Indo Tibetian Border Security Force, Sashastra Seema Bal, The coast guards and so on.
D) Armed Forces: - To fight against external aggression, we have three armed forces under one Minister of defense and the chief commander being the President of India. There is perfect coordination/discipline and the three chief can meet at a very short notice. Our armed forces have never let us down. Recruitment is done at two levels. Firstly at bottom i.e. Sipahi, who has chance for 7 promotions in his service up to Subedar Major. Secondly at officer level i.e. Lieutinent, who has chance for 9 promotions in his service up to the Chief. We must note that period of service in army is comparatively less than in Police. Clear cut chain of command and chances of timely promotions inculcate discipline and keep the morale high. Every body knows what to do and when to do. We need a police force on the lines of armed forces to fight internal aggression. Remember in policing ‘Fear is the key’. Today fear of police from mind of the criminals has gone due to various reasons. A National Police shall bring back the required fear.
E) Possible Solution: - It is simple, provided there is Political will
1. To create a ministry of internal Defense or Security.
2. To create a National Police to fight crimes mentioned in Para A under it on the lines of armed forces with
Chief Commander being the president of India.
3. National Police to be formed by merging CRPF, NSG, CBI, IB, RAF, crime branches of the state police etc.
4. National Police to have Police Stations all over India and to have its own Investigation/intelligence wing,
marine police, commandos etc.
5. Recruitment in National Police to be done at two levels like Armed forces. Postings from sub-inspector
Level to be national and up to this level to be regional.
6. Separate fast track courts for cases under jurisdiction of National Police.
7. All the border security forces to be also merged in one like National Police and to be under Ministry of
Internal Defense.
8. With above we shall have four tier security i.e. Local Police, National Police, Border security Force and
The Armed Forces.
9. Normal law and order mentioned in Para B, being state subject to remain under Local Police.
10. Let the CISF and RAW remain under Home Minister.
F. Benefits to Accrue: - They shall be enormous;-
1. Better law and order, fast solving of cases, fear in the mind of criminals, leading to a safer Nation.
2. Shall save the nation from possible disintegration. Divisive tendencies shall be curtailed.
3. Shall help in building our national character in the long run.
4. Saving to exchequer. May be half the force shall be needed due to avoidance of multiplicity of authorities besides unnecessary Travelling by state police to other states shall be controlled. (A.K. Mehta)
Note: - A copy of this write up is being forwarded to Hon’bles Sh. Manmohan Singh Prime Minister of India, Sh.L.K.Advani Leader of opposition, Smt. Sonia Gandhi Congress (I) President and Sh. Rajnath Singh BJP President